The teeth of the SUPERTEE Prince rugby kicking tees have been individually designed to touch the ball ensuring it effortlessly slides off the tee with minimum friction. The chalice exposes the sweet spot of the ball to increase accuracy. The Supertee range creates a regular height from which to kick the ball. The sweet spot of the ball is clearly exposed to the kicker. The tees are very light so there is almost no impact on contact. A special mix of materials have been incorporated into the design to hold the ball firmly on the tee, yet allow the ball to slip off easily when the ball is kicked.
- Long range, medium height
- Twin Teeth Technology Ground Teeth
- Chalice shape, ultra stable, zero friction, exposed sweet spot
- Designed by Rugby League points record breaker and former New Zealand All Blacks goal kicking coach Super Boot Daryl Halligan
- Endorsed by Rugby Union legend Dan Carter